How to configure Analysis Services for the Web - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/olapdmad/aghtconfig_4giq.asp
How to configure
Usage Analysis Processing on a Web server that is running Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 To turn on Windows SharePoint Services usage logging in .
Using XML/A as the native protocol, you can configure Analysis Services clients to have a zero footprint, and each server is automatically a Web service.
I am using search server 2008 express serach web service in my asp.net . Bam can configure only Analysis Services 2005. BAM can configure only
configure analysis services web
Analysis Services 2005.
. using IIS 6.0 on the Analysis Services computer, perform the following steps to configure IIS 6.0 to use MSMDPump.dll. In the Configure Your Server Wizard, add the Web .
How to Configure HTTP Access to SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services on IIS7 . -Go to IIS and Click OLAP folder under Default Web Site .
How to configure Usage Analysis Processing on a Web server that is running Windows SharePoint Services 2.0
So I guess my question is, "What accounts and permissions do I need to configure SQL Analysis Services to enable Repository use?". I am trying to build a cube in Project Web access .
This section explains how to configure Analysis Services to listen on a fixed . Central Administration v4, SharePoint Web Services, and SPUserCodeV4). Because PowerPivot web services .
. problem when trying to deploy a RTA bam view using bm.exe: "BAM can configure only Analysis Services . I am using search server 2008 express serach web service in my asp.net .
Hello configure analysis services web everyone, I need to Configure SQL Analysis Services to Enable Repository use for setting up a cube. My problem
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